Our People

We handle a variety of residential and light commercial projects and couldn't have done it without our dedicated staff. Our employees have spent many years working in the flooring business and know the in's and out's of building requirements, especially in the Central Valley and Central Coast areas.


With our attention to detail and dedication to delivering the highest quality work possible, you can rest assured knowing that your project is in the hands of an extremely talented and knowledgeable team of employees.


Meet the Team

From left to right: First name Last name, First name Last name, First name Last name.

Contact Us

Addison James Incorporated


4965 E. Pontiac Way

Suite 101

Fresno, CA 93727


Phone: 559-347-9555

Fax: 559-347-9599

E-mail: melissa@addisonjamesinc.net

Office Hours

Our office is open for business: 

Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM


Homebuyer selections are by appointment only:

Please call us to schedule your appointment, we try to be as accommodating as possible.

We take appointments Monday-Friday, Saturdays and Sundays may be available on request as well as evenings.

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